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New to Big

business & management

business & management

1082 books

A blueprint for recapturing lost growth skills. When David Kidder was invited to speak at GE's annual leadership conference in 2012, he yelled down to chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt, How many $50 million companies did you launch last year? The answer was zero. 

Realizing that the company's ability to innovate had been choked by bureaucracy and traditional corporate thinking, Kidder set out with a team of entrepreneurs and innovators to help GE get back on track. In The Growth OS, he reveals their success story. Filled with examples and anecdotes of how small businesses can develop killer processes to scale enterprise, as well as actionable tips and tools, this is a road map for startup founders and entrepreneurs alike.

The Power of Experimentation

Christina Wallace emphasizes the importance of experimentation in business. She suggests that by trying out new ideas and learning from the results, companies can innovate and grow. So, don't be afraid to test out your ideas, you never know what might work!

The 'New to Big' Method

The book introduces the 'New to Big' method, a unique approach to business growth. This method encourages businesses to think like a startup, constantly innovating and adapting to change. It's a fresh perspective that could really shake up your business strategy.

Importance of a Growth Mindset

One key takeaway from New to Big is the importance of having a growth mindset. Wallace argues that businesses need to be open to change and constantly looking for ways to improve. This mindset can help you see opportunities where others see obstacles.

The Role of Leadership

Leadership plays a crucial role in driving innovation, according to Wallace. He believes that leaders should foster a culture of experimentation and learning within their organizations. If you're a leader, this book could give you some great insights into how to drive your team forward.

The Value of Customer Feedback

Wallace also highlights the value of customer feedback in the book. He suggests that businesses should listen to their customers and use their feedback to improve their products or services. So, make sure you're really listening to what your customers are saying, it could be the key to your success.


authorAdam Grant

Adam Grant

Kathryn Minshew

Kathryn Minshew
