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National Insecurity

496 pages, 2014

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

The hidden struggles, the surprising triumphs, and the shocking failures of those charged with leading America through one of the most difficult periods in its history. Softer voices are lost. The volume gets louder. Losing sight of what is most important spells danger for everyone. 

In National Insecurity, David Rothkopf offers an entirely new perspective on the hidden struggles, the surprising triumphs, and the shocking failures of those charged with leading our country through one of the most difficult periods in its history since World War II.

Understanding the Power Dynamics

In National Insecurity, David Rothkopf explores the power dynamics within the U.S. government. He reveals how decisions are often influenced by personal agendas and political games, rather than national interests. This is a must-read if you want to understand the inner workings of the government.

The Impact of Foreign Policy

Rothkopf digs into the impact of U.S. foreign policy on global security. He shows how the U.S.'s actions can either stabilize or destabilize the world. If you're interested in international relations, you'll find this book enlightening.

The Role of National Security Advisors

National Insecurity gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the role of national security advisors. Rothkopf shows how these advisors can shape the country's foreign policy. Check this book out if you're curious about the people who work behind the scenes in the government.

The Consequences of Poor Decision Making

Rothkopf's book is a stark reminder of the consequences of poor decision making in the government. He highlights several instances where bad decisions led to disastrous outcomes. This book will make you think twice about the importance of competent leadership.

The Importance of Transparency

In National Insecurity, Rothkopf emphasizes the importance of transparency in the government. He argues that secrecy can lead to mistrust and misunderstanding, both within the government and among the public. If you're passionate about government transparency, you'll find this book compelling.


James Mattis

James Mattis
