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Naked at Our Age

400 pages, 2011



909 books


705 books

Naked at Our Age invites everyone to join a national conversation about the triumphs and tribulations of later-life sexuality. In this witty guide, bestselling author Joan Price uses case histories, interviews, and reference material to present a multifaceted portrait of this all-too-often-ignored subject.

Covering physical, psychological, and financial aspects of intimacy for seniors of every sexual orientation, Naked at Our Age is an essential book for anyone curious about the sex lives of our greatest resource: older Americans.

Age is Just a Number

Joan Price emphasizes that age is not a barrier to a fulfilling sex life. She encourages readers to explore their sexuality at any age, proving that it's never too late to enjoy intimacy.

Communication is Key

Price highlights the importance of open and honest communication in maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. She suggests that we should not shy away from discussing our desires and concerns with our partners.

Understanding Changes

The book helps you understand the physical and emotional changes that come with age. Price guides you to accept these changes and adapt your sexual activities accordingly, ensuring a satisfying experience.

Sexual Health Matters

Joan Price stresses the importance of sexual health and regular check-ups. She provides practical advice on how to maintain sexual health and deal with common issues that may arise as we age.

Self-Love and Acceptance

Price encourages readers to love and accept their bodies as they age. She believes that self-love is the first step towards a fulfilling sexual relationship. So, take a look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate the beauty of aging.


authorDan Savage

Dan Savage
