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Mysterium Coniunctionis
430 pages, 1977
In Mysterium Coniunctionis, Carl Jung takes us on a journey to explore the depths of the unconscious mind. He believes that our unconscious holds the key to understanding our behaviors, emotions, and motivations. So, if you're curious about why you do the things you do, this book might just have the answers.
Jung emphasizes the importance of symbols in our lives. He suggests that symbols can help us understand complex ideas and emotions that are difficult to express in words. So, next time you see a symbol that resonates with you, take a moment to think about what it might mean.
One of the key ideas in Mysterium Coniunctionis is the concept of the 'Self'. Jung sees the 'Self' as the unifying center of our personality, integrating all our different aspects. This book can help you understand yourself better and find a sense of wholeness.
Jung uses alchemical symbolism to explain psychological concepts in this book. He sees a parallel between the process of transforming base metals into gold in alchemy and the process of psychological growth and transformation. If you're interested in both psychology and mysticism, you'll find this approach fascinating.
Jung believes that the ultimate goal of life is 'individuation' - becoming the person you truly are. Mysterium Coniunctionis provides a roadmap for this journey, guiding you to confront your unconscious, integrate your shadow, and achieve self-realization. If you're ready for a deep dive into self-discovery, this book is a must-read.