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My Life in Advertising

336 pages, 1966

business & management

business & management

1082 books


705 books
Author Claude C. Hopkins invented and perfected the concepts of test marketing and coupon sampling. In these two books, you will learn everything you need to know about successful advertising from this remarkable man.
The Power of Testing

Claude C. Hopkins emphasizes the importance of testing in advertising. He suggests that before launching a full-scale campaign, it's crucial to test different approaches on a smaller scale. This way, you can see what works best and make necessary adjustments, saving both time and money.

Understanding Your Audience

Hopkins stresses the need to understand your audience. He believes that successful advertising is about knowing what your customers want and need. So, take some time to research and get to know your audience better. This will help you create more effective and targeted ads.

The Importance of Honesty

In 'My Life in Advertising', Hopkins highlights the importance of honesty in advertising. He argues that misleading customers might bring short-term gains, but it will harm your reputation in the long run. So, always be truthful in your advertising.

Simplicity is Key

Hopkins believes that simplicity is key in advertising. He suggests that ads should be easy to understand and straightforward. So, avoid using complex language or jargon. Instead, keep your message simple and clear.

The Value of Persistence

In his book, Hopkins shares his belief in the value of persistence. He faced many challenges and failures in his career, but he never gave up. His story encourages us to keep going, even when things get tough. So, don't be afraid to fail. Learn from your mistakes and keep trying until you succeed.


Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen

marketertechnologyventure capitalistauthor