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Mountain Light

224 pages, 1987

arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Mountain Light is the classiest “how-to” text on landscape color photography ever published. Here Galen Rowell—America’s greatest outdoor photographer—assembles 80 of his finest images, along with the stories behind them—what he was after and how he achieved it. 

The photographs (and the details of their creation) are arranged in eight exhibits according to visual themes, reflecting Rowell’s fascination with the infinitely varying qualities of light found in mountain landscapes. He explains how film and the human eye see differently, how he selected and composed the content of his work, how he worked with optical phenomena and natural light, and how equipment and adventure interact in the field.

The Power of Nature

In Mountain Light, Galen Rowell invites us to explore the breathtaking beauty of the natural world. He shows us that nature is not just a backdrop, but a powerful force that shapes our lives and our perspectives.

The Art of Photography

Rowell doesn't just take photos, he creates art. He teaches us that photography is not just about capturing a moment, but about telling a story and evoking emotions. It's a lesson for anyone interested in photography or any form of visual storytelling.

The Importance of Adventure

Rowell's adventures in the mountains are not just thrilling tales, they're a testament to the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones. He encourages us to seek out our own adventures and find our own paths.

The Connection Between Man and Nature

One of the key messages in Mountain Light is the deep connection between man and nature. Rowell shows us that we are not separate from the natural world, but a part of it. This is a powerful reminder for us to respect and protect our environment.

The Pursuit of Passion

Rowell's passion for photography and adventure is infectious. He inspires us to pursue our own passions, no matter how challenging they may be. His journey is a testament to the power of passion and determination.


Adam Gazzaley

Adam Gazzaley
