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More Human

416 pages, 2016

business & management

business & management

1082 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


711 books
Steve Hilton, visiting professor at Stanford University and former senior adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron, is convinced that the frustrations people have with government, politics, their economic circumstances and their daily lives are caused by deep structural problems in the systems that dominate our modern world—systems that are broken because they've grown too far from the human scale. He shows us how change is possible, providing the latest research, compelling stories and case studies from all over the world to show us what can happen when we make our world more human.
The Importance of Human Scale

In More Human, Jason Bade, Scott Bade, and Steve Hilton emphasize the importance of human scale in all aspects of life. They argue that big corporations, governments, and institutions often lose touch with the human element, leading to impersonal and inefficient systems. They encourage readers to explore ways to bring things back to a more human scale in their own lives.

The Power of Localism

The authors strongly advocate for localism, the idea that power should be decentralized and decisions should be made as close to the people affected as possible. They believe this approach leads to more effective and responsive governance. So, take a look at your community and see how you can get involved locally.

The Role of Technology

While technology can often seem dehumanizing, the authors argue that it can also be a powerful tool for human connection when used correctly. They encourage readers to research and find ways to use technology to enhance their lives, rather than letting it control them.

The Need for Personal Responsibility

More Human emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility. The authors believe that individuals have the power to make significant changes in their lives and communities. They encourage readers to take responsibility for their actions and to actively work towards creating a better world.

The Value of Human Connections

At the heart of More Human is the belief in the power of human connections. The authors argue that strong relationships and communities are key to a fulfilling life. They encourage readers to invest time in building meaningful relationships and to prioritize human connection in their daily lives.


authorReid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor