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More from Less
352 pages, 2019
Andy McAfee shows us how technological progress has allowed us to produce more goods and services with less resources. This means we can now enjoy a higher standard of living while reducing our impact on the planet. It's a fascinating look into how technology is reshaping our world.
McAfee explores the concept of dematerialization, which is the reduction in the amount of materials needed to produce goods. He shows us that this is not just a theory, but a reality that's happening right now. It's a must-read for anyone interested in sustainability and the future of our planet.
In More from Less, the author argues that capitalism and technological innovation are the driving forces behind our ability to do more with less. He makes a compelling case for why we should embrace these forces, rather than fear them.
While technology and capitalism play a big role, McAfee also highlights the importance of government regulations in protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable growth. It's a balanced view that acknowledges the role of different sectors in our society.
Despite the challenges we face, More from Less leaves us with a sense of optimism. McAfee believes that if we continue to innovate and make smart decisions, we can create a future where we live better lives while taking better care of our planet. It's a hopeful message that will inspire you to take action.
Quotes 2
Andy McAfee's 'More from Less' is a compelling case for optimism in an era of looming environmental crisis. It shows how we can continue to grow and prosper while consuming fewer natural resources.
Andy McAfee's 'More from Less' is a beacon of hope for an overly pessimistic world. It demonstrates how we can progress economically while preserving the environment.