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Monday’s Not Coming

464 pages, 2019



1382 books
Claudia and Monday have always been inseparable—more sisters than friends. So, when Monday doesn’t show up for Claudia’s first day of school, Claudia knows something is wrong. After two weeks of Mondays not showing up, Claudia searches out her best friend. Her best friend’s mother refuses to give a straight answer, and even worse—April is just as strange as her mother. Claudia digs deeper into her best friend’s disappearance and discovers that no one remembers the last time they saw Monday. Where can a teenage girl go without anyone noticing?
The Importance of Friendship

In Monday's Not Coming, Tiffany D. Jackson explores the deep bond between two friends, Claudia and Monday. Their friendship is a central theme in the book, showing us how important it is to have someone who understands and supports us.

The Impact of Neglect

Jackson's book gives us a heartbreaking look into the effects of neglect on a child's life. Monday's disappearance and the lack of urgency in finding her highlights the tragic consequences of ignoring a child's needs.

The Power of Persistence

Claudia's relentless search for Monday in the book shows us the power of persistence. Even when everyone else gives up, Claudia keeps looking for her friend, teaching us to never give up on the people we care about.

The Role of Community

Monday's Not Coming emphasizes the role of community in our lives. When Claudia can't find help from the authorities, she turns to her community. This shows us how communities can come together in times of crisis.

The Reality of Social Issues

Tiffany D. Jackson doesn't shy away from addressing social issues in her book. From child abuse to systemic neglect, she forces us to confront these realities, encouraging us to take action and make a difference.
