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Models of My Life

464 pages, 1996



711 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books
In this candid and witty autobiography, Nobel laureate Herbert A. Simon looks at his distinguished and varied career, continually asking himself whether (and how) what he learned as a scientist helps to explain other aspects of his life. A brilliant polymath in an age of increasing specialization, Simon is one of those rare scholars whose work defines fields of inquiry. Crossing disciplinary lines in half a dozen fields, Simon's story encompasses an explosion in the information sciences, the transformation of psychology by the information-processing paradigm, and the use of computer simulation for modeling the behavior of highly complex systems.
The Power of Interdisciplinary Thinking

Herbert A. Simon shows us the importance of interdisciplinary thinking. He was not just an economist, but also a psychologist, computer scientist, and political scientist. This broad knowledge base allowed him to see connections and patterns that others missed. So, don't limit yourself to one field, explore and learn from different disciplines.

The Role of Intuition in Decision Making

Simon challenges the traditional view of decision making. He argues that intuition, shaped by experience and expertise, plays a crucial role in making decisions. So, don't underestimate your gut feelings, they might be your subconscious mind processing information faster than your conscious mind can.

The Concept of Bounded Rationality

One of the key concepts in Models of My Life is 'bounded rationality'. Simon suggests that people make decisions based on the information they have, within the limits of their mind and the time available. This means that perfect rationality is often unattainable in real life. It's a reminder to be patient with ourselves and others when decisions don't turn out as expected.

The Importance of Problem Solving

Simon emphasizes the importance of problem-solving skills. He believes that the ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems is crucial in any field. So, if you want to succeed, focus on improving your problem-solving skills.

The Impact of Environment on Behavior

In Models of My Life, Simon explores how our environment shapes our behavior. He suggests that by changing our environment, we can change our behavior. So, if you're struggling to change a habit, try changing your environment first.


authorCharlie Munger

Charlie Munger


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