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Miracle Fruit

86 pages, 2003



1382 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Poetry. As three worlds collide, a mother's Philippines, a father's India, and the poet's contemporary America, the resulting impressions are chronicled in this collection of incisive and penetrating verses.

The writer weaves her words carefully into a wise and affecting embroidery that celebrates the senses while remaining down-to-earth and genuine.

Exploring the Beauty of Nature

In Miracle Fruit, Aimee Nezhukumatathil invites us to explore the beauty of nature. She uses vivid imagery and poetic language to bring the natural world to life. It's a great reminder to appreciate the beauty around us.

Understanding Cultural Identity

The book also encourages us to look into our cultural identity. Aimee, being of Filipino and Indian descent, shares her experiences and struggles with identity. It's a great read for anyone trying to understand their own cultural background.

The Power of Love and Relationships

Miracle Fruit is not just about nature and identity. It also explores the power of love and relationships. Aimee Nezhukumatathil beautifully portrays the complexities of human relationships, making us reflect on our own.

Appreciating the Small Things in Life

One of the key takeaways from the book is to appreciate the small things in life. The author encourages us to find joy in the ordinary and mundane. It's a great reminder to slow down and enjoy the moment.

The Art of Storytelling

Lastly, Miracle Fruit showcases Aimee's talent in storytelling. She weaves together different themes and experiences into a cohesive narrative. It's a great book for those who want to dig into the art of storytelling.


authorRolf Potts

Rolf Potts

journalistmedia personalityauthor