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Magicians of the Gods

528 pages, 2015

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books


999 books

Graham Hancock, the author of the multi-million bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods, presents a sequel full of absolutely new and fascinating evidence that, like its predecessor, should be regarded as contradicting everything we know. Past 12,000 years ago…the Earth (like almost all planets) had been constantly hit by several comets—each one over a mile wide—that was coming from deep space (the next galaxy). 

Some comets hit the North American ice cap and some hit the northern European ice cap. The impacts were so huge that they instantly liquidized millions of square kilometers of ice, resulting in enormous heat which melted hundreds of cubic miles of ice into water.

Ancient Civilizations and Their Wisdom

In Magicians of the Gods, Graham Hancock takes us on a journey to explore the wisdom of ancient civilizations. He suggests that these societies were far more advanced than we give them credit for, and we have a lot to learn from their knowledge and practices.

Cataclysmic Events and Human History

Hancock presents compelling evidence that cataclysmic events have shaped human history. He argues that a massive comet impact around 12,800 years ago wiped out advanced civilizations, forcing humanity into a 'reset'. This is a fascinating perspective to consider.

The Power of Myth and Symbolism

The book encourages us to look deeper into myths and symbols. Hancock believes that they are not just stories or designs, but coded messages from our ancestors. By decoding them, we can uncover lost knowledge and understand our past better.

Questioning Mainstream Historical Narratives

Magicians of the Gods challenges mainstream historical narratives. Hancock urges us to question what we've been taught, dig deeper, and seek the truth. This book will make you see history in a new light.

The Importance of Keeping an Open Mind

One of the key messages from the book is the importance of keeping an open mind. Hancock's research and theories may seem unconventional, but they invite us to explore different perspectives and expand our understanding of the world.

Quotes 3

Graham Hancock's Magicians of the Gods is a compelling journey of discovery and insight, challenging our perceptions of the past and inviting us to look again at the history of our civilization.

Robert BauvalRobert Bauval - Egyptologist, Author

Hancock's research is thorough and scholarly, yet he remains unafraid to speculate on mankind's forgotten history. Magicians of the Gods is a testament to his bravery and tenacity.

John Anthony WestJohn Anthony West - Author, Egyptologist

Magicians of the Gods is a thought-provoking exploration of the mysteries of our past. Hancock's work is a call to re-examine the accepted narrative of history.

Randall CarlsonRandall Carlson - Geological Theorist
Robert BauvalJohn Anthony WestRandall Carlson


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