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Magic and Loss

272 pages, 2016



392 books
arts & entertainment

arts & entertainment

401 books

Virginia Heffernan explores the nature, significance, and cultural impact of the Internet in this insightful and provocative analysis. Since its inception, the Internet has morphed from an extension of traditional media into its own full-fledged civilization. 

It is among mankind’s great masterpieces—a massive work of art. As an idea, it rivals monotheism. We all inhabit this fascinating place. But its deep logic, its cultural potential, and its societal impact often elude us. In this deep and thoughtful book, Virginia Heffernan presents an original and far-reaching analysis of what the Internet is and does. 

Life online, in the highly visual, social, portable, and global incarnation, rewarded certain virtues. The medium itself favors speed, accuracy, wit, prolifically, and versatility; as a form and function that are changing how we perceive experiences and understand the world.

The Internet as a Work of Art

Virginia Heffernan sees the internet as a massive, collective work of art. She encourages us to look at it from a different perspective, to appreciate its beauty and complexity. It's not just a tool or a resource, but a masterpiece that we're all contributing to.

The Power of Digital Media

Heffernan explores the transformative power of digital media. She shows how it has changed the way we communicate, learn, and even think. It's not just about sharing information, but about creating new forms of expression and understanding.

The Loss of Tangibility

One of the key points in Magic and Loss is the idea of losing tangibility in the digital age. We no longer hold physical books, photos, or letters. Everything is stored in the cloud. This loss, according to Heffernan, has profound implications on our relationship with the material world.

The Magic of the Internet

The 'magic' in Magic and Loss refers to the wonder and awe that the internet can inspire. From the vastness of its reach to the intimacy of its connections, the internet is a source of endless fascination and potential. Heffernan invites us to see the magic in our everyday online interactions.

The Role of Aesthetics in Digital Media

Heffernan digs into the role of aesthetics in digital media. She argues that design, visuals, and user experience are just as important as functionality. The way something looks and feels can greatly impact how we interact with it and what value we derive from it.


Diana Kimball Berlin

Diana Kimball Berlin
