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Liberating Learning

223 pages, 2009



85 books

Moe and Chubb's book opens with a look at the way technology is already providing innovative solutions to the problems of education in communities around the world, and uses examples of such programs to explore how technology may reshape teaching and learn in America in the future.  

At the same time, however, it points out that any real change will require keen attention to political realities as well. Moe and Chubb urge educators to explore how far technology can bring educational opportunities to students who would otherwise lack access to them.

The Power of Technology in Education

In Liberating Learning, Terry M. Moe explores the transformative potential of technology in the education sector. He believes that technology can break down barriers, improve access to quality education, and make learning more engaging and effective. So, if you're interested in the future of education, this book is a must-read.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Moe digs into the resistance to change in the education system. He finds that many stakeholders, including teachers' unions and administrators, often resist technological innovations. However, he argues that overcoming this resistance is crucial for progress. This book will give you insights into how to navigate and overcome such resistance.

The Role of Politics in Education

The author takes a deep look into the political dynamics that influence education. He argues that politics often hinders the adoption of technology in schools. If you're curious about the intersection of politics and education, you'll find this book enlightening.

The Potential of Online Learning

Moe sees online learning as a game-changer in education. He believes it can provide personalized learning experiences and reach students in remote areas. If you're interested in online learning, you'll want to check out his research in Liberating Learning.

The Future of Education

In Liberating Learning, Moe paints a picture of a future where technology is fully integrated into education. He believes this will lead to a more equitable and effective education system. If you're excited about the future of education, you'll want to see what he has to say.


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