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Lean Thinking

396 pages, 2003

business & management

business & management

1082 books

Expanded, updated, and more relevant than ever, this bestselling business classic by two internationally renowned management analysts describes a business system for the twenty-first century that supersedes the mass production system of Ford, the financial control system of Sloan, and the strategic system of Welch and GE. 

It is based on the Toyota (lean) model, which combines operational excellence with value-based strategies to produce steady growth through a wide range of economic conditions. In contrast with the crash-and-burn performance of companies trumpeted by business gurus in the 1990s, the firms profiled in Lean Thinking— from tiny Lantech to midsized Wiremold to niche producer Porsche to gigantic Pratt & amp; amp; Whitney --have delivered consistent performance over many years.

Value from the Customer's Perspective

In Lean Thinking, James P. Womack emphasizes the importance of defining value from the customer's perspective. He suggests that businesses should focus on what the customer is willing to pay for and eliminate anything that doesn't add value to the customer's experience.

The Lean Production System

Womack introduces the concept of the Lean Production System. This system is all about creating more value with less work. It's a new way of thinking that can help businesses become more efficient and competitive. So, if you're looking to improve your business operations, you might want to check this out.

The Five Principles of Lean Thinking

The book outlines five key principles of Lean Thinking: value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection. These principles are the foundation of the Lean Production System. They provide a roadmap for businesses to follow in order to become leaner and more efficient.

The Importance of Continuous Improvement

One of the key takeaways from Lean Thinking is the importance of continuous improvement. Womack believes that businesses should always be looking for ways to improve their processes and eliminate waste. This is not a one-time thing, but a continuous journey towards perfection.

The Power of Lean Thinking

Lean Thinking is not just a business strategy, it's a powerful tool that can transform your business. By applying the principles of Lean Thinking, businesses can become more efficient, reduce waste, and deliver higher value to their customers. So, if you're looking to take your business to the next level, you might want to explore the power of Lean Thinking.


Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos
