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Lean In

240 pages, 2013


Sheryl Sandberg reignited the conversation around women at work. Sandberg has worked for Google and Facebook and is the chief operating officer for Facebook.

In 2010, she gave an electrifying TED talk about how women unintentionally hold themselves back in their careers. Her talk, which has been viewed more than six million times, encouraged women to “sit at the table,” seek challenges, take risks, and pursue their goals with gusto.

Her book Lean In continues that conversation, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what they can.

Sandberg provides practical advice on negotiation techniques and how men can support women both at home and in the workplace while still being a man.

Embrace Ambition

Sheryl Sandberg encourages women to lean into their ambitions and not shy away from pursuing leadership roles. She believes that women should not limit themselves due to societal expectations and should instead strive for the top.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Sandberg discusses the concept of 'imposter syndrome' where individuals doubt their abilities and fear being exposed as a fraud. She encourages readers to overcome this by acknowledging their skills and contributions.

Balance Work and Personal Life

In Lean In, the author emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life. She suggests that it's not only possible but necessary for a fulfilling life. So, take a look at your life and see where you can find that balance.

Challenge Gender Bias

Sandberg encourages readers to challenge and change the gender bias that exists in the workplace. She believes that everyone, regardless of gender, should have equal opportunities and be judged based on their performance.

Build Resilience

The book explores the idea of building resilience in the face of adversity. Sheryl Sandberg shares her own experiences and research to show how resilience can help you overcome challenges and succeed in your career.

Quotes 5

Sheryl provides a new and transformative perspective on what women can do to achieve success. Lean In is a compelling call to action and a blueprint for individual growth.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media executive, Actress

Lean In is filled with striking insights and practical advice for women that speaks to the heart of the issues they face in the workplace.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Author, Columnist, Businesswoman

Lean In is an inspiring read that encourages women to believe in themselves, to strive for success and to seek leadership roles.

Marissa MayerMarissa Mayer - Former Yahoo CEO

Sheryl's book is a powerful, insightful and thought-provoking read that challenges the status quo and pushes for change.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg - Facebook Co-founder

Lean In is a game-changer, a must-read for every woman who wants to take control of her career and her life.

Michelle ObamaMichelle Obama - Former First Lady
Oprah WinfreyArianna HuffingtonMarissa MayerMark ZuckerbergMichelle Obama


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