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King Icahn
266 pages, 2014
Carl Icahn is an unparalleled human drama. It is the story of a man who rose from humble beginnings to emerging as the most powerful, eccentric, galling, pugnacious, and successful force in the business world.
The Icahn drama is rife with contradictions, juxtapositions, paradoxes, and epic power plays. All have led to a reshuffling of the business/financial landscape, to electric fear for CEOs when they hear the terrorizing words "Carl Icahn is on the phone" and one of the world's greatest fortunes.
King Icahn is written by renowned financial journalist Gary Weiss who spent more than two decades researching this book by interviewing all major players involved in Icahn's rise from obscurity to notoriety as well as gaining unprecedented access to Icahn himself who gave him carte blanche access to his personal records including personal emails that were never intended for publication. Reading this book is equivalent to earning an MBA squared!
In King Icahn, Mark Stevens provides a detailed look into Carl Icahn's unique investment strategy. He shows how Icahn's aggressive and often controversial approach to investing has made him one of the most successful investors in history. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in learning from Icahn's strategies and applying them to their own investments.
One of the key lessons from King Icahn is the importance of persistence. Icahn's relentless pursuit of his goals, even in the face of adversity, is a testament to his determination. This book will inspire you to stay the course and not give up, no matter how tough the journey may be.
Mark Stevens explores Icahn's exceptional negotiation skills in King Icahn. He shows how Icahn uses his sharp wit and strategic thinking to get the best deals. If you're looking to improve your negotiation skills, this book will provide you with valuable insights.
King Icahn provides a deep dive into the world of corporate raiders and their impact on businesses. It shows how Icahn, as a corporate raider, has influenced the corporate world and changed the way businesses operate. This book will give you a new perspective on the role of corporate raiders in the business world.
In King Icahn, you'll get to see the man behind the legend. Mark Stevens paints a vivid picture of Icahn's personality, his strengths, and his weaknesses. This book will give you a deeper understanding of what makes Icahn tick and what has driven his success.