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Judgment Under Uncertainty

544 pages, 1982


In 1959, a young scholar named Shmuel Ash becomes the caregiver for a cantankerous old man named Gershom Wald. There is, however, a third, mysterious presence in his new home: the daughter of a deceased Zionist leader known as Atalia Abravanel. A beautiful woman in her forties, Atalia entrances young Shmuel even as she keeps him at a distance. 

Piece by piece, the Jerusalem stone house is haunted by tragic history and is now home to three misfits and their intricate relationship reveals its secrets. At once an exquisite love story and a coming-of-age novel, an allegory for the state of Israel and its complex relationship with biblical times, Amos Oz’s Judas is a powerful novel in decades.

Understanding Human Decision Making

In 'Judgment Under Uncertainty', Amos Tversky explores the fascinating world of human decision making. He digs into why we often make irrational choices, even when we have all the information we need. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding why we do what we do.

The Power of Heuristics

Tversky's research in this book shows how we use heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to make decisions under uncertainty. While these shortcuts can be helpful, they can also lead us to make errors. It's a fascinating look into the power and pitfalls of our mental processes.

The Role of Probability

One key takeaway from 'Judgment Under Uncertainty' is the role of probability in our decision making. Tversky explains how we often misinterpret or ignore probabilities, leading to poor decisions. If you're interested in improving your decision-making skills, this is a must-read.

The Impact of Biases

Tversky also explores the impact of biases on our decision making. From confirmation bias to availability bias, he shows how these unconscious biases can lead us astray. It's a great reminder to check our biases at the door when making important decisions.

Improving Decision Making

Finally, 'Judgment Under Uncertainty' isn't just about understanding our flaws. Tversky also provides practical advice on how we can improve our decision-making processes. If you're looking to make better decisions in your life, you'll find plenty of useful tips in this book.


Adam Robinson, entrepreneur and investor and journalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Adam Robinson
