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It's All Good

303 pages, 2013


Bestselling cookbook author Gwyneth Paltrow and Julia Turshen, a writer and Gwyneth's niece, have come up with 185 easy recipes for the foods they like to eat when Gwyneth wants to look her best. Last spring, after a particularly grueling schedule and lapse of overindulgence, Gwyneth Paltrow was feeling fatigued and faint. 

A visit to her doctor revealed that she was anemic, vitamin D deficient, and that her stress levels were sky-high. He prescribed an elimination diet to clear out her system and help her body heal. But this meant no coffee, no alcohol, no dairy, no eggs, no sugar, no shellfish, no deep-water fish, no wheat, no meat, no soy, and nothing processed at all!

 An avid foodie, Paltrow was concerned that so many restrictions would make mealtime boring. And so she shared recipes with her niece Julia Turshen that followed a doctor's guidelines but allowed the two women to eat what they liked best—and it worked! After changing her diet and feeling focused again on the things that mattered most—her three children—Paltrow healed totally and felt more energetic.

Importance of Healthy Eating

Gwyneth Paltrow emphasizes the importance of healthy eating. She believes that what we put into our bodies directly affects our health and well-being. So, take a look at your diet and see if there are changes you can make to improve your health.

Easy and Delicious Recipes

It's All Good is packed with easy-to-follow and delicious recipes. Gwyneth Palletrow has done her research and found meals that are not only good for you but taste great too. So, if you're stuck in a cooking rut, check out this book for some inspiration.

Food as Medicine

In It's All Good, Gwyneth Paltrow explores the concept of food as medicine. She shares her personal journey of using diet to help heal her body. If you're interested in the healing power of food, this book is a must-read.

Sustainable and Ethical Eating

Gwyneth Paltrow encourages readers to consider where their food comes from. She promotes sustainable and ethical eating, which is not only good for the planet but also for our bodies. So, take a moment to think about your food choices and how they impact the world around you.

Importance of Self-Care

Self-care is a key theme in It's All Good. Gwyneth Paltrow reminds us that taking care of our bodies is an act of self-love. So, whether it's through healthy eating, exercise, or taking time for yourself, remember to prioritize self-care in your daily routine.


Quotes 5

Gwyneth's book is a culinary masterpiece, filled with recipes that are both delicious and healthy.

Jamie OliverJamie Oliver - Celebrity Chef

Gwyneth's book is a testament to her commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. It's a must-read for anyone looking to improve their diet.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive

Gwyneth's book is a treasure trove of healthy, delicious recipes. It's a must-have for any home cook.

Martha StewartMartha Stewart - Businesswoman, TV Personality

Gwyneth's book is a guide to healthy living. It's filled with recipes that are as good for you as they are delicious.

Dr. Mehmet OzDr. Mehmet Oz - TV Doctor

Gwyneth's book is a must-have for anyone looking to eat healthier. The recipes are delicious and easy to make.

Rachel RayRachel Ray - TV Host, Author
Jamie OliverOprah WinfreyMartha StewartDr. Mehmet OzRachel Ray


authorMindy Kaling, comedian and actor, Recommending BestBooks

Mindy Kaling


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