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Island Time

416 pages, 2022



1382 books

Island Time is a sumptuous summer read that dives deep into queer romance, family secrets and ambition, parenthood, and a bird-chasing bromance. In this ensemble romantic comedy set in a tropical paradise, the Kelly's are messy, loud and loving Australians. 

The Lees are sophisticated and aloof Americans. They have nothing in common…except for the fact that their daughters are married. 

When a nearby volcano erupts during their short vacation to a remote tropical island off the coast of Queensland, they find themselves stranded together for six weeks with only two island employees forming the rest of their party.

The Importance of Self-Discovery

In Island Time, Georgia Clark takes us on a journey of self-discovery. The characters explore their identities, desires, and fears. It's a reminder that we should also take the time to understand ourselves better.

Value of Friendship

The book emphasizes the importance of friendship. The characters face various challenges, but their bond helps them overcome these obstacles. It's a nudge for us to cherish our friendships and lean on them during tough times.

Dealing with Change

Change is a constant theme in Island Time. The characters find themselves in new environments and situations, forcing them to adapt. It's a lesson for us to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth.

Exploring Love and Relationships

Georgia Clark beautifully explores the complexities of love and relationships in Island Time. The characters navigate through love, heartbreak, and reconciliation, teaching us about the highs and lows of romantic relationships.

The Power of Resilience

Island Time showcases the resilience of its characters. Despite the challenges they face, they remain strong and hopeful. It's an inspiration for us to stay resilient in the face of adversity.