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263 pages, 1995


A bored ad exec is cruising the want ads in the paper when he stumbles across a strange listing for a job. The pay is incredible, and the description of the position is very vague. He calls the number listed and speaks to a man who responds in a voice that sounds like he's been gargling with pebbles

. The would-be applicant finally gathers enough information to realize he's talking to a gorilla, not a man, and is hired on the spot. Ishmael isn't an easy taskmaster--he makes his new hire work long hours, memorize his favorite poems, and does all sorts of odd jobs around Ishmael's apartment--but he still seems like an interesting guy to work for until he tells his employee about his next project: a book about whales. 

As it turns out, Ishmael wants the man to write this book for him and will contribute nothing but more grueling tasks and insults. Can this writer persevere and make something of himself?

Questioning the Norm

In Ishmael, Daniel Quinn encourages us to question the societal norms we've grown up with. He suggests that our current way of life isn't the only way, and that it's important to explore other perspectives and cultures.

The Importance of Sustainability

Quinn's book makes us see the importance of living sustainably. He shows us that our current lifestyle is damaging the planet, and that we need to find a balance between progress and preservation.

The Role of Education

Ishmael emphasizes the role of education in shaping our worldviews. The author suggests that we need to rethink our education system to include diverse perspectives and teach about sustainability.

The Power of Storytelling

Daniel Quinn uses storytelling as a powerful tool to convey his ideas in Ishmael. He shows us that stories can be a great way to challenge our beliefs and make us think about complex issues.

The Concept of Freedom

In the book, Quinn explores the concept of freedom. He suggests that true freedom isn't about doing whatever we want, but about understanding our place in the world and living in harmony with nature.

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Ishmael by Daniel Quinn is a book that will change your perspective on humanity and the world. It's a must-read.

Ray BradburyRay Bradbury - Science Fiction Author

Ishmael is a profound and transformative exploration of the human condition and our place in the world.

Tom Brown Jr.Tom Brown Jr. - Wilderness Survival Instructor

Ishmael is a revolutionary work that challenges the conventional wisdom of our culture.

Bill PfeifferBill Pfeiffer - Deep Ecology Author
Ray BradburyTom Brown Jr.Bill Pfeiffer


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Sahil Lavingia

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