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Imperfect Courage

240 pages, 2018


Noonday Collection Founder Jessica Honegger tells the inspiring story of starting her jewelry company and trading her comfort zone for a life of impact and adventure. In 2015, Inc. magazine recognized Noonday Collection as one of the fastest-growing companies in America. But years earlier, as Jessica Honegger stood at a pawn shop in Austin, Texas, and handed over her grandmother's gold jewelry, her goal was much more personal: to fund the adoption of her Rwandan son, Jack, by selling artisan-made jewelry. 

This first step launched an unexpected side-hustle that would grow into Noonday Collection. Jessica embarked on this new journey and teamed up with her first artisan partner, Jalia, a Ugandan jewelry maker.

Embrace Imperfections

In Imperfect Courage, Jessica Honegger encourages us to embrace our imperfections. She believes that it's our flaws and failures that make us human and relatable. So, instead of hiding them, we should wear them proudly. It's a great reminder that nobody is perfect, and that's okay.

Courage Over Comfort

Honegger emphasizes the importance of choosing courage over comfort. It's easy to stay in our comfort zones, but real growth happens when we step out and face our fears. So, if you're feeling stuck, take a look at this book and find the courage to take that leap.

The Power of Community

One of the key messages in Imperfect Courage is the power of community. Jessica shows us that we can achieve so much more when we work together. So, if you're feeling alone in your journey, check out this book and see how you can build a supportive community around you.

Turning Passion into Action

Jessica Honegger shares her own journey of turning her passion into action. She started her own company, Noonday Collection, to help artisans in vulnerable communities. Her story is a great example of how we can use our passions to make a difference in the world.

The Importance of Empathy

In Imperfect Courage, empathy is highlighted as a crucial quality. It's about understanding and sharing the feelings of others. This book will help you explore the power of empathy and how it can transform your relationships and interactions.

Quotes 3

Imperfect Courage is a call to arms for women who yearn to step into their purpose and make a difference in the world. Jessica Honegger's story of courage and resilience inspires us to live large, live authentic and live generous.

Brené BrownBrené Brown - Researcher, Author, Speaker

Imperfect Courage is the story of a woman who stepped into a world of fear, failure, and vulnerability to help others. Jessica Honegger's journey will inspire you to live a life of purpose, passion, and impact.

Jen HatmakerJen Hatmaker - Author, Speaker, Blogger

Imperfect Courage is a book that will inspire you to make a difference in the world. Jessica Honegger's story is a testament to the power of courage and resilience.

Jamie IveyJamie Ivey - Podcast Host, Author
Brené BrownJen HatmakerJamie Ivey


authorBrené Brown, educator and author, Recommending BestBooks

Brené Brown
