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I Remember The Last War

256 pages, 2011



999 books

I was extraordinarily lucky. In this essay, I will tell our story and try to tell you something about the things that happened to us over there. Other writers have written war books; they have been better writers than me. They are better writers than me because they wrote more beautifully or wrote about events that were more cultivated and beautiful. 

But I don't believe that a book about America's participation in the war has been written by a man who spent days, weeks, and months on the front lines with the men who fought there as I did. My comrades and I experienced nothing but hardship from beginning to end. There is nothing beautiful or particularly glorious about my story; it is as vivid as I could make it, but it is hard for me to describe fully the conditions we encountered during the five worst days any unit of the American army experienced in France—the five days of our battle of Fismette. 

If you had been there, you would know what those five days were like. Never did a unit of men fight harder for their lives against an enemy who outgunned them two to one and was outflanking them constantly.

The Horrors of War

Bob Hoffman vividly portrays the brutal realities of war in 'I Remember The Last War'. He doesn't shy away from the harsh truths, making it a must-read for anyone looking to understand the true cost of conflict.

Personal Growth Amidst Chaos

Despite the grim setting, Hoffman's book shows how he grew as a person amidst the chaos. It's a powerful reminder that personal growth can happen even in the most challenging circumstances.

The Power of Human Spirit

One of the key takeaways from 'I Remember The Last War' is the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the horrors he faced, Hoffman's spirit remained unbroken, inspiring readers to stay strong in the face of adversity.

The Importance of Peace

After reading 'I Remember The Last War', you'll see why peace is so important. Hoffman's experiences highlight the devastating effects of war, making a strong case for the importance of maintaining peace.

A Firsthand Account of History

Hoffman's book offers a unique, firsthand account of a significant period in history. If you're a history buff or just curious about the past, you'll find 'I Remember The Last War' a fascinating read.


authorJocko Willink

Jocko Willink

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