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I Am a Strange Loop

432 pages, 2008


In Where Does the Self Come From? David Chalmers asks where the self comes from and how our selves can exist in the minds of others. If consciousness cannot arise from matter, he asks, how is it that you or I am here? In I Am a Strange Loop, he argues that the key to understanding selves and consciousness is the strange loop-a special kind of abstract feedback loop inhabiting our brains. 

The most central and complex symbol in your brain is the one called I. How can a mysterious abstraction be real--or is our I merely a convenient fiction? Does an I exert genuine power over the particles in our brain--or is it helplessly pushed around by the laws of physics?

Understanding the Concept of 'I'

In 'I Am a Strange Loop', Douglas Hofstadter explores the concept of 'I' or self. He suggests that our sense of 'I' is not a single, unchanging entity, but a collection of thoughts and experiences that constantly evolve. This is a fascinating perspective that encourages us to see ourselves in a new light.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Hofstadter emphasizes the importance of self-reflection. He believes that our ability to reflect on our thoughts and actions is what makes us uniquely human. By taking the time to look into our own minds, we can better understand ourselves and the world around us.

The Role of Symbols

Symbols play a crucial role in our understanding of the world, according to Hofstadter. He suggests that our brains are essentially symbol-processing machines, and that our thoughts and experiences are all encoded as symbols. This is a thought-provoking idea that can change the way you see your own thought processes.

The Loop Theory

One of the key ideas in 'I Am a Strange Loop' is the loop theory. Hofstadter proposes that our sense of self is created by a feedback loop of self-reference, where our thoughts and experiences constantly refer back to themselves. This is a fascinating concept that can help you understand the complexity of your own mind.

Exploring Consciousness

Hofstadter takes a deep look into the nature of consciousness. He suggests that consciousness is not a simple, binary state, but a complex spectrum. This perspective can help you see the richness and complexity of your own conscious experience.


authorDavid Deutsch, educator and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

David Deutsch


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