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I Almost Forgot About You

368 pages, 2016



1382 books

On the world of Hyperion, beyond the care of a malevolent interstellar Hegemony, lurks a creature called the Shrike. Some revere it; others fear it; and some have pledged to remove it from existence. In a place known as the Valley of the Time Tombs—where enormous buildings stand still in time—the Shrike awaits everyone. 

With all of humanity embroiled in an apocalyptic war, seven pilgrims begin their final journey to Hyperion in search of answers about themselves and the fate of their race. They each harbor a desperate hope and a terrible secret, but if one of them is carrying humanity's last hope, then he may already be dead.

Embrace Change

In 'I Almost Forgot About You', Terry McMillan shows us that it's never too late to change your life. The protagonist, Dr. Georgia Young, decides to quit her job and start fresh, proving that it's okay to take risks and step out of your comfort zone.

The Power of Self-Discovery

McMillan encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Georgia's quest to find her old lovers is not just about reconnecting, but also about understanding herself better. So, take a moment to explore your past, it might help you understand your present better.

Importance of Forgiveness

One of the key lessons from 'I Almost Forgot About You' is the importance of forgiveness. Georgia learns to forgive her past lovers, and in doing so, she finds peace. It's a reminder for us to let go of past grudges and move forward.

Value of Friendship

The book highlights the importance of having a strong support system. Georgia's friends play a crucial role in her journey, providing her with advice and comfort. It's a nudge for us to cherish our friendships and lean on them during tough times.

Courage to Pursue Happiness

McMillan's book is a testament to the courage it takes to pursue happiness. Georgia's decision to change her life is driven by her desire to be happy. It's a call for us to not settle for less and actively seek happiness in our lives.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker
