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How Nature Works

225 pages, 1996

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
First proposed by physicists Per Bak, Chao Tang and Kurt Wiesenfeld in 1993, self-organized criticality is a theory that seeks to explain the way complex systems—such as stock markets, natural disasters and mass extinctions—evolve over time. The theory holds that the behaviors of these systems are governed by a small number of simple rules. It is commonly observed that many of these systems exist in a critical state, in which small changes can lead to drastic consequences. This is sometimes referred to as “the edge of chaos” and "tipping points" or "phase transitions. "
Understanding Self-Organized Criticality

In 'How Nature Works', Per Bak introduces the concept of self-organized criticality. This is a principle that explains how complex systems naturally evolve to a critical state. It's a fascinating concept that can be applied to various fields, from physics to economics.

Applying Physics to Real Life

Bak's book is not just about theoretical physics. He shows how the principles of physics can be applied to real-world situations. From predicting earthquakes to understanding traffic jams, you'll see how physics is more relevant to your daily life than you might think.

The Power of Simplicity

One of the key takeaways from 'How Nature Works' is the power of simplicity. Bak argues that simple models can often explain complex phenomena. So, don't be afraid to simplify things when trying to understand the world around you.

The Importance of Non-Linearity

In his book, Bak emphasizes the importance of non-linearity in understanding how nature works. Non-linear systems are those where small changes can lead to big effects. This concept is crucial in many fields, from climate science to economics.

The Universality of Nature's Laws

Finally, 'How Nature Works' will make you see the universality of nature's laws. Bak shows that the same principles apply to a wide range of phenomena, from sandpiles to stock markets. This book will make you look at the world in a new light.


authorNassim Nicholas Taleb

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
