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House of Glass

352 pages, 2020



999 books
biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
Freeman follows the story of her grandmother Sara, who was in France as Hitler started to gain power. She finds a shoebox with pictures of her grandmother with a mysterious stranger, a cryptic telegram from the Red Cross, and a drawing signed by Picasso. This leads Freeman on a decade-long quest to uncover the significance of this discovery.
Understanding the Impact of History

In House of Glass, Hadley Freeman takes us on a journey through her family's history, showing us how the events of the past can shape the present and future. It's a reminder to explore our own histories and see how they've influenced who we are today.

The Power of Resilience

Freeman's family faced unimaginable hardships, from the Holocaust to immigration struggles. Yet, they remained resilient. This book encourages us to find strength in our own challenges and to never give up, no matter how tough things get.

The Importance of Family

House of Glass is a testament to the importance of family. Despite the distance and time that separated them, Freeman's family remained connected. It's a reminder for us to cherish our own families and the bonds that hold us together.

Uncovering Hidden Stories

Freeman digs deep into her family's past, uncovering stories that were hidden for years. It's a call for us to research our own family histories, to uncover the stories that have been lost or forgotten, and to preserve them for future generations.

The Human Side of History

In House of Glass, history is not just a series of events, but a collection of human stories. Freeman shows us the human side of history, reminding us that behind every historical event, there are people with their own stories. It's an invitation for us to look into the human side of our own histories.


authorNigella Lawson

Nigella Lawson

hospitalitymedia personalityauthor

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