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Heart Berries

160 pages, 2019

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books
In her memoir, Heart Berries, Terese Mailhot writes about coming of age on a Native American reservation in the Pacific Northwest. Having survived a dysfunctional childhood and facing a dual diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder, Mailhot began writing her way out of trauma. She credits her mother—a social worker and activist who had a thing for prisoners—for giving her the notebook that ultimately led to the publication of this book.
The Power of Vulnerability

In Heart Berries, Terese Marie Mailhot shows us the power of vulnerability. She opens up about her struggles with mental health, giving us a raw and honest look into her life. This book encourages us to embrace our own vulnerabilities and use them as a source of strength.

Importance of Self-Expression

Mailhot uses writing as a form of therapy, a way to express her deepest feelings and thoughts. She encourages us to find our own outlets for self-expression. Whether it's writing, painting, or dancing, we should all find a way to express ourselves.

Understanding Indigenous Culture

Heart Berries gives us a glimpse into the life of an Indigenous woman. It's a chance to learn about a culture that's often overlooked. If you're interested in understanding more about Indigenous culture, this book is a must-read.

The Struggle of Mental Health

Mental health is a major theme in Heart Berries. The author doesn't shy away from discussing her struggles with mental illness. It's a reminder that it's okay to not be okay, and the importance of seeking help when needed.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Despite the hardships she faces, Mailhot shows incredible resilience. Her story is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to overcome adversity. It's a powerful reminder that no matter what life throws at us, we have the strength to persevere.

Quotes 3

Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot is a profound and powerful memoir that will leave you breathless.

Emma WatsonEmma Watson - Actress, Activist

Heart Berries is a powerful, poetic memoir of a woman's coming of age on the Seabird Island Indian Reservation in the Pacific Northwest.

Sherman AlexieSherman Alexie - Author, Filmmaker

Heart Berries is a sledgehammer. In the book, Mailhot fearlessly addresses the most painful aspects of her life.

Roxane GayRoxane Gay - Writer, Professor
Emma WatsonSherman AlexieRoxane Gay


Emma Watson

Emma Watson


Heart Berries found in libraries

498 books

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