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Harvesting the Biosphere

320 pages, 2015


Vaclav Smil offers an interdisciplinary and quantitative account of the human-caused changes to the biosphere, from prehistory to the present day. The biosphere―the Earth's thin layer of life―dates from nearly four billion years ago, when the first simple organisms appeared. 

Many species have exerted enormous influence on the biosphere's character and productivity, but none has transformed the Earth in so many ways and on such a scale as Homo sapiens. Without harvesting biomass, Smil points out, there would be no story of human evolution and advancing civilization.

Understanding the Biosphere

In Harvesting the Biosphere, Vaclav Smil takes us on a journey to explore the biosphere - the part of the Earth where life exists. He helps us understand how humans have been exploiting it for thousands of years, and the impact this has had on our planet.

The Impact of Human Activity

Smil's research shows that human activity has significantly altered the biosphere. From deforestation to overfishing, he paints a clear picture of how our actions have led to a decrease in biodiversity and an increase in carbon emissions.

The Role of Agriculture

Agriculture plays a central role in the book. Smil explains how the rise of agriculture has led to a massive transformation of the biosphere, with both positive and negative consequences. It's a fascinating look into the history and future of farming.

The Need for Sustainable Practices

One of the key messages in Harvesting the Biosphere is the need for more sustainable practices. Smil argues that we need to find a balance between our needs and the health of the biosphere. This is a wake-up call for all of us to take action and make changes in our lives.

A Comprehensive Study

Harvesting the Biosphere is a comprehensive study of the biosphere and human impact on it. It's a must-read for anyone interested in environmental science, history, or the future of our planet. Check it out to see the world from a new perspective.

Quotes 5

Vaclav Smil's Harvesting the Biosphere is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the impact of human activity on our planet.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

Harvesting the Biosphere provides a deep insight into the human impact on Earth. It's a thought-provoking read.

Elon MuskElon Musk - Tesla CEO

Smil's Harvesting the Biosphere is a comprehensive guide to understanding the human footprint on our planet.

Mark ZuckerbergMark Zuckerberg - Facebook CEO

Harvesting the Biosphere is a compelling read about the human impact on our planet. It's a wake-up call for all of us.

Richard BransonRichard Branson - Virgin Group Founder

Vaclav Smil's Harvesting the Biosphere is a sobering look at the impact of human activity on our planet. It's a must-read for anyone concerned about the future of our world.

Jeff BezosJeff Bezos - Amazon Founder
Bill GatesElon MuskMark ZuckerbergRichard BransonJeff Bezos


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