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Hard Rain Falling

336 pages, 2009



1382 books

The novel Hard Rain Falling by Don Carpenter is a tough-as-nails account of being down and out, but never down for good—a Dostoyevskian tale of crime, punishment, and the pursuit of an ever-elusive redemption. The story follows the adventures of Jack Levitt, a teenager living off his wits in the fleabag hotels and seedy pool halls of Portland, Oregon. He befriends Billy Lancing, another teenager who is a young black runaway and pool hustler extraordinaire. 

A heist gone wrong gets Jack sent to reform school, from which he emerges embittered by abuse and solitary confinement. In the meantime, Billy has joined the middle class: married, fathered a son, and acquired a business, but ends up with a mistress. Neither Jack nor Billy can escape their troubled pasts, and they will meet again in San Quentin before their strange double drama comes to a violent and revelatory end.

The Struggle of Life

Hard Rain Falling by Don Carpenter gives us a raw and unfiltered look into the harsh realities of life. It explores the struggles of the underprivileged and the marginalized, reminding us that life isn't always fair. It's a wake-up call to check our privileges and empathize with those less fortunate.

The Power of Friendship

In this book, Carpenter beautifully portrays the power of friendship. Despite the harsh circumstances, the bond between the characters is unbreakable. It's a testament to the fact that friendships can be a beacon of hope in the darkest times. So, take a look at your own friendships and cherish them.

The Impact of Choices

Hard Rain Falling makes us see how our choices can shape our lives. The characters in the book make some tough decisions, some good, some bad, but all impactful. It's a reminder to think before we act and understand the potential consequences of our actions.

The Reality of Prison Life

Carpenter doesn't shy away from showing the harsh realities of prison life. He digs deep into the psychological impact it has on the inmates. It's a call to research and understand the need for prison reform and the importance of rehabilitation over punishment.

The Search for Identity

The book explores the journey of its characters in their search for identity. It's a reminder that finding oneself is a continuous process, often filled with trials and tribulations. So, take some time to explore your own identity and understand what makes you, you.

Quotes 3

Hard Rain Falling is a unique read, with a narrative that is both brutal and compelling. It's a novel that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page.

George PelecanosGeorge Pelecanos - Crime Novelist

Don Carpenter's Hard Rain Falling is a gritty, realistic portrayal of life on the streets. It's a book that doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of life, but instead confronts them head-on.

Richard PriceRichard Price - Screenwriter, Novelist

Hard Rain Falling is a powerful and poignant exploration of the human condition. It's a book that will challenge you, move you, and ultimately change you.

Jonathan LethemJonathan Lethem - Contemporary Novelist
George PelecanosRichard PriceJonathan Lethem


authorAnthony Bourdain

Anthony Bourdain


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