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192 pages, 2007

One out of every five Harvard students have lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar's insightful and inspiring lectures on a state that has long been elusive to many: happiness. Grounded in empirical psychological studies and spiritual enlightenment, Happier's insights are ingeniously put together to create a set of principles you can apply to your daily life and find fulfillment, connection . . . and yes, HAPPIER.
Happiness is a Journey, Not a Destination

In Happier, Tal Ben-Shahar emphasizes that happiness is not a final state to be achieved, but a continuous journey. He encourages us to stop chasing the illusion of 'I'll be happy when...' and start enjoying the process of living, learning, and growing.

The Power of Positive Psychology

Happier is a great book to explore if you're interested in the field of positive psychology. Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor, uses research to show how positive psychology can improve our daily lives. He suggests that focusing on our strengths and positive experiences can lead to a more fulfilling life.

The Importance of Goals and Meaning

Ben-Shahar argues that having goals and a sense of purpose is crucial for our happiness. He suggests that we should find what truly matters to us and pursue it with passion. This doesn't mean we should ignore our responsibilities, but rather find a balance between what we must do and what we love to do.

The Role of Exercise and Sleep

In Happier, you'll find that physical well-being is closely linked to our emotional state. Regular exercise and adequate sleep are not just good for our health, but also for our mood and overall happiness. So, don't neglect these aspects of your life if you want to feel happier.

Embrace Negative Emotions

It might sound counterintuitive, but Ben-Shahar suggests that accepting and dealing with negative emotions is a part of a happy life. He explains that it's okay to feel sad, anxious, or angry sometimes. These feelings are natural and acknowledging them can help us understand ourselves better and grow emotionally.

Quotes 5

Happier is a guide to living a more fulfilling life, filled with joy and purpose. It's a must-read for anyone seeking a happier life.

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres - Comedian, Television Host

Happier by Tal Ben-Shahar is a transformative book that redefines what it means to be happy.

Oprah WinfreyOprah Winfrey - Media Executive, Actress

Happier is a profound, practical, and personal book that shows how to live a balanced life. The insights will make you happier.

Tony RobbinsTony Robbins - Motivational Speaker, Author

Happier is a brilliant book that will change your life. It's a roadmap to a fulfilling life.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Alternative Medicine Advocate, Author

Happier is a life-changing book that provides the tools to lead a fulfilling and joyful life.

Arianna HuffingtonArianna Huffington - Author, Businesswoman
Ellen DeGeneresOprah WinfreyTony RobbinsDeepak ChopraArianna Huffington


authorTony Hsieh, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Tony Hsieh

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