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Good Charts

264 pages, 2016

business & management

business & management

1082 books


194 books

A visualization is a powerful form of communication that is able to effectively convey information and ideas. For a long time, data visualization was the domain of experts—data scientists and designers.  

However, new tools and vast amounts of data make it simple for anybody to create compelling visualizations that express concepts significantly more effective than traditional spreadsheet charts. In addition, creating effective charts is increasingly becoming a necessary talent for managers. 

Many managers are already doing it if you aren't, and they're receiving acknowledgment and credit for contributing to your company's success. Scott Berinato presents a comprehensive overview of visualization and how to utilize it to impress and persuade others in his book Good Charts.

The Power of Visual Communication

Scott Berinato emphasizes the importance of visual communication in the book Good Charts. He believes that a well-designed chart can convey complex information more effectively than words alone. So, if you're struggling to get your point across, why not try creating a chart? You might be surprised at how much easier it is for people to understand your ideas.

The Art of Chart Design

In Good Charts, Berinato takes us on a journey through the art of chart design. He shows us that creating a good chart is not just about presenting data, but also about telling a story. So, next time you're designing a chart, think about the story you want to tell. It could make all the difference.

The Science Behind Good Charts

Ever wondered why some charts are easier to understand than others? In Good Charts, you'll find the answer. Berinato explores the science behind good chart design, explaining how our brains process visual information. This knowledge can help you create charts that are not only visually appealing, but also easy to understand.

The Tools You Need to Create Good Charts

Creating a good chart doesn't have to be difficult. In fact, Berinato provides a wealth of tools and techniques in Good Charts that can help you create effective visualizations. From choosing the right chart type to using color effectively, you'll find everything you need to start creating your own good charts.

The Impact of Good Charts

Good Charts isn't just about creating pretty pictures. It's about making an impact. Berinato shows us how good charts can influence decisions, change perspectives, and even inspire action. So, if you want to make a difference, take a look at Good Charts. It could change the way you communicate forever.


Quotes 5

Good Charts is a must-read for anyone who needs to convey complex ideas and data. It's a game-changer in the field of data visualization.

Nancy DuarteNancy Duarte - Presentation Design Guru

Good Charts brilliantly demystifies the process of creating powerful visualizations. It's a valuable guide for anyone who needs to communicate complex information.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Bestselling Author

Good Charts is a groundbreaking book that transforms the way we understand data. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to communicate effectively.

Adam GrantAdam Grant - Organizational Psychologist

Good Charts is a revolutionary book that changes the way we think about data. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to communicate effectively.

Malcolm GladwellMalcolm Gladwell - Journalist, Author

Good Charts is a transformative book that redefines the way we understand data. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to communicate effectively.

Susan CainSusan Cain - Introversion Advocate
Nancy DuarteDaniel PinkAdam GrantMalcolm GladwellSusan Cain


Cleo Abram

Cleo Abram

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