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Going Red

240 pages, 2016

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books

The 2016 election is the conservatives' last, best chance to take back the country. How can they win? The answer, conservative columnist and analyst Ed Morrissey says, depends on seven battleground counties in swing states Republicans must win. 

Each county pulled for Obama in one or both of the last two elections, but after eight years of misadventures under the Obama administration, the door is open for Republicans to win them—and the presidency—once again, making a decisive mandate against progressivism for the generation to come.

Understanding the Red States

In Going Red, Ed Morrissey takes us on a journey to explore the political landscape of the United States. He digs deep into the heart of the 'Red States', helping us understand why they vote the way they do.

Importance of Grassroots Campaigning

Morrissey emphasizes the importance of grassroots campaigning. He believes that connecting with voters on a personal level is key to winning elections. So, if you're interested in politics, this book will give you a fresh perspective on campaigning.

Insight into the 2012 Presidential Election

The book provides a detailed analysis of the 2012 Presidential Election. Morrissey's research into the strategies used by both parties gives us a unique insight into the political process. It's a must-read for anyone interested in American politics.

The Role of Media in Politics

Going Red also explores the role of media in shaping public opinion. Morrissey argues that media bias can significantly influence election outcomes. If you're curious about the power of media in politics, you should definitely check out this book.

Lessons for Future Elections

Lastly, Morrissey offers valuable lessons for future elections. He believes that understanding the needs and concerns of voters is crucial for any successful campaign. So, if you're planning to run for office or work on a campaign, you'll find his insights very useful.


authorBen Shapiro

Ben Shapiro

journalistmedia personalitypoliticsauthor

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