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God Is Not Great

336 pages, 2009

spirituality & religion

spirituality & religion

408 books


711 books
science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

In The Portable Atheist, Christopher Hitchens makes the case against religion by analyzing the major religious texts and showing how each religion is a man-made wish, causes dangerous sexual repression, and distorts our origins in the cosmos. 

With eloquent clarity, Hitchens makes the case for a more secular life based on science and reason, in which hell is replaced by telescopes' awesome view of the universe, and Moses and the burning bush give way to the beauty and symmetry of DNA.

Religion's Negative Impact

In God Is Not Great, Christopher Hitchens explores the idea that religion has often been a source of violence and intolerance. He argues that many conflicts throughout history have been fueled by religious beliefs. This book encourages you to look into the historical evidence and see for yourself.

The Power of Free Thinking

Hitchens emphasizes the importance of skepticism and independent thought. He believes that accepting religious doctrines without questioning can limit our understanding of the world. So, take a moment to check your own beliefs and see if they stand up to scrutiny.

Science vs Religion

The book also delves into the ongoing debate between science and religion. Hitchens argues that science, based on evidence and reason, offers a more reliable path to knowledge than faith. It's a great opportunity to explore this debate and form your own opinion.

Religion and Morality

He challenges the common belief that religion is the only source of morality. Hitchens argues that ethical behavior is a natural human trait, not necessarily tied to religious beliefs. This perspective invites you to research more about the origins of morality.

The Danger of Absolute Certainty

In God Is Not Great, one of the key points is the danger of absolute certainty that often comes with religious faith. Hitchens warns that this can lead to extremism and intolerance. It's a thought-provoking point that encourages you to dig deeper into the effects of unwavering belief.

Quotes 4

Hitchens' 'God Is Not Great' is a compelling argument against religion, a must-read for all free thinkers.

Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins - Evolutionary biologist

Hitchens' 'God Is Not Great' is a tour de force against faith, a book that will shake the foundations of your beliefs.

Sam HarrisSam Harris - Neuroscientist, philosopher

Hitchens' 'God Is Not Great' is a powerful critique of religion, a book that will challenge your deepest convictions.

Daniel DennettDaniel Dennett - Philosopher, writer

Hitchens' 'God Is Not Great' is a brave and unflinching look at the dangers of blind faith.

Ayaan Hirsi AliAyaan Hirsi Ali - Human rights activist
Richard DawkinsSam HarrisDaniel DennettAyaan Hirsi Ali


authorSam Harris

Sam Harris

media personalityscientistauthor
authorDan Savage

Dan Savage
