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Go Ask Alice

224 pages, 2006



1382 books
Her name was Susan. She was presented with the soft drink laced with LSD at a party game. Within months, she was hooked, trapped in a downward spiral that took her from her comfortable home to the mean streets of an unforgiving city. It was a journey that would rob her of her innocence, her youth—and ultimately, her life. The words in this diary are hers, and they will break your heart.
The Dangers of Drug Abuse

Go Ask Alice is a stark reminder of the dangers of drug abuse. The author, Anonymous, paints a vivid picture of how drugs can quickly take over a person's life, leading to devastating consequences. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the harsh realities of addiction.

The Importance of Family Support

In the book, the protagonist's family plays a crucial role in her struggle with addiction. Anonymous shows us that family support is vital in helping a person overcome their problems. It's a lesson about the power of love and understanding.

The Struggles of Adolescence

Anonymous explores the struggles of adolescence in Go Ask Alice. The book gives us a glimpse into the mind of a teenager dealing with issues like peer pressure, identity crisis, and self-esteem. It's a great resource for parents and teachers who want to better understand the challenges teenagers face.

The Power of Diary Writing

Go Ask Alice is written in a diary format, which adds a layer of authenticity to the story. The author uses this format to show the raw and unfiltered thoughts of the protagonist. It's a great example of how diary writing can be a powerful tool for self-expression and self-discovery.

The Impact of Society and Peer Pressure

The book shows how society and peer pressure can influence a person's decisions, often leading them down a dangerous path. Anonymous encourages readers to stay true to themselves and not succumb to external pressures. It's a valuable lesson for people of all ages.
