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Give War a Chance

256 pages, 2003

economics & politics

economics & politics

987 books


999 books

In one of America’s most hilarious and provocative books, acclaimed journalist P. J. O’Rourke is a volatile brew of one-liners and vitriol. In this masterful collection of humor, O’Rourke takes on the end of communism, his frustration with sanctimonious liberals, and Saddam Hussein in a series of classic dispatches from his coverage of the 1991 Gulf War. 

On Kuwait City after the war: “It looked like all the worst rock bands in the world had stayed there at the same time. ” On Saddam Hussein: “He’s got chemical weapons filled with . . . with . . . chemicals. 

Maybe he’s got The Bomb. And missiles that can reach Riyadh, Tel Aviv, and Spokane. Stock up on nonperishable foodstuffs. Grab those Diet Coke cans you were supposed to take to the recycling center and fill them with home heating oil. Bury the Hummel figurines in the yard.

The Reality of War

In 'Give War a Chance', P.J. O'Rourke doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of war. He takes you right into the heart of conflict zones, giving you a firsthand account of what it's like. It's a raw, unfiltered look into the chaos and destruction that war brings.

War is Not a Solution

One of the key messages in the book is that war is not a solution to our problems. O'Rourke makes it clear that war only leads to more suffering and destruction. It's a powerful reminder to always seek peaceful solutions first.

The Role of Media in War

O'Rourke also explores the role of media in war. He shows how media can often distort the truth and create a narrative that suits their agenda. It's a call to always question what you see and hear in the media.

The Human Side of War

Despite the heavy subject matter, 'Give War a Chance' also shows the human side of war. O'Rourke shares stories of the people he met in war zones, their struggles, their hopes, and their resilience. It's a reminder that behind every war story, there are real people with real lives.

The Power of Humor

Even in the darkest of times, O'Rourke finds a way to inject humor into his writing. He shows that humor can be a powerful tool to cope with difficult situations and to shed light on the absurdities of war. So, if you're ready to see war from a different perspective, check out 'Give War a Chance'.


Eric Weinstein

Eric Weinstein

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