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Gay Like Me

176 pages, 2020

biographies & memoirs

biographies & memoirs

997 books

Those mosses that grow along the edges of dirt roads and trails are not as common as they appear, but they are also not nearly as invisible as we might think. In fact, if one considers the lush forests of the Pacific Northwest, mosses might be regarded as a kind of green fringe that follows the Pacific Crest Trail all the way from Mexico to Canada. In her book "Gathering Moss," Robin Wall Kimmerer invites us to step into this world beyond our ordinary powers of perception and experience what it feels like to live at the limits of ordinary perception. 

With equal parts passion and poetry, Kimmerer shares her personal reflections on mosses and how these remarkably simple organisms have shaped her life and her thoughts about place, sense of place, gravity, and place-based thinking in general.

Embrace Your Identity

In Gay Like Me, Richie Jackson encourages readers to fully embrace their identity, no matter what it may be. He shares his own journey of self-discovery and acceptance, inspiring others to do the same. It's a great reminder that being true to yourself is the key to happiness.

The Importance of LGBTQ+ History

Jackson emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating LGBTQ+ history. He believes that knowing the struggles and victories of the past can empower the present generation. So, take some time to research and learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ community.

Parenting and Acceptance

The book is a heartfelt letter from Jackson to his gay son. He shares his wisdom and experiences, hoping to guide his son through life. It's a beautiful exploration of parenting and acceptance, showing that love should always be unconditional.

The Power of Resilience

Jackson's story is a testament to resilience. Despite the challenges he faced as a gay man, he never let them break him. Instead, he used them to grow stronger. It's a powerful message that can inspire anyone facing adversity.

The Fight for Equality Continues

While progress has been made, Jackson reminds us that the fight for LGBTQ+ rights is far from over. He urges readers to continue advocating for equality and justice. It's a call to action that encourages everyone to play their part in creating a more inclusive society.

Quotes 3

Gay Like Me is a road map, a letter of love from a father to a son, and a light in the darkness for those who are struggling to find their way.

Alan CummingAlan Cumming - Actor, Writer, Activist

This book is a gift to both LGBTQ people and their allies. It's a poignant reminder of our shared humanity and the power of compassion and understanding.

Sarah Jessica ParkerSarah Jessica Parker - Actress, Producer, Designer

Richie Jackson's Gay Like Me is a manifesto for gay identity that is both passionate and political. It's a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the LGBTQ experience.

Larry KramerLarry Kramer - Playwright, Author, Activist
Alan CummingSarah Jessica ParkerLarry Kramer


authorArianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington


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498 books

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