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Future Babble
320 pages, 2012
In 2008, some experts said the price of oil would soon hit $200 a barrel; others said it would fall to $30 a barrel. In 1967, some experts said that the USSR would have one of the fastest-growing economies in 2000; others predicted a decline. In 1911, some experts said there would be no more wars in Europe; we all know how that turned out.
And yet we keep asking experts to predict the future — everything from weather patterns to terrorist attacks. Future Babble is the first book to examine this phenomenon and why it's so easy for us to ignore wrong predictions.
In Future Babble, Dan Gardner explores the idea that expert predictions about the future are often wrong. He digs into why we continue to trust these forecasts, despite their unreliability. It's a fascinating look into human psychology and our desire for certainty in an uncertain world.
Gardner introduces us to the concept of 'hedgehogs' and 'foxes', terms borrowed from philosopher Isaiah Berlin. Hedgehogs are those who view the world through a single, defining idea, while foxes draw on a wide variety of experiences and for whom the world cannot be boiled down to a single idea. Gardner's research finds that foxes are often more accurate in their predictions.
The book also explores the role of media in promoting certain predictions. Gardner suggests that media outlets often favor dramatic, sensational predictions over more nuanced ones, which can skew public perception and understanding.
Future Babble delves into the cognitive biases that make us susceptible to believing in inaccurate predictions. Gardner explains how our brains are wired to seek out patterns and make sense of information, even when it's not accurate or reliable.
One of the key takeaways from the book is the importance of skepticism. Gardner encourages readers to question predictions, consider the source, and think critically about the information they receive. It's a valuable lesson in an era of information overload.
Quotes 5
Future Babble is a game-changer. It's a riveting exploration of our addiction to prediction and its dire consequences.

Future Babble is a deeply researched and beautifully written expose on our desire to know the future.
Future Babble is a compelling and enjoyable challenge to our obsession with prediction.

Future Babble is a fascinating and insightful book that challenges our understanding of future predictions.

Future Babble is a thought-provoking and eye-opening examination of the fallibility of predictions.

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