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Fundamentals of Modern Physics

729 pages, 1990

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books
Very extensive and complicated treatment of Schroedinger's theory and equations of quantum mechanics.
Understanding the Basics of Modern Physics

Robert Eisberg's book, Fundamentals of Modern Physics, is a great starting point for anyone interested in the field. He breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it accessible for beginners. You'll get a solid foundation in modern physics, which you can build upon with further study.

Exploring Quantum Mechanics

One of the key areas Eisberg focuses on is quantum mechanics. He explains this fascinating and complex field in a way that's easy to grasp. If you've ever wanted to explore the world of quantum mechanics, this book is a great place to start.

Insights into Relativity Theory

Eisberg also provides a comprehensive look into the theory of relativity. He simplifies Einstein's famous theory, making it easier to understand. If you've been curious about relativity, you'll find Eisberg's explanations enlightening.

Learning about Atomic and Nuclear Physics

In Fundamentals of Modern Physics, you'll also get to learn about atomic and nuclear physics. Eisberg's clear and concise explanations will help you understand these complex topics. It's a great way to dig into the world of atoms and nuclei.

Applying Physics to Real-World Problems

What sets Eisberg's book apart is his focus on applying physics to real-world problems. He shows how the principles of physics can be used to solve practical problems, making the subject more relevant and interesting. If you're looking for a book that not only teaches you physics but also shows you how to use it, check out Fundamentals of Modern Physics.


authorBill Nye

Bill Nye

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