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From Tragedy to Triumph: The Politics behind the Rescue of Ethiopian Jewry
232 pages, 2002
In 1984, Israel began a series of dramatic rescues that brought thousands of Ethiopians to the country. This was codenamed Operation Sheba and involved large-scale airlifts and exchanges for weapons in order to save these Jews from intolerable conditions in Ethiopia and Sudan. But there are still troubling questions about why it took so many years for Israel to act on behalf of its African compatriots.
This is the complete story behind the Israeli rescue of the Jews of Ethiopia―how a tragedy was turned into triumph.
The rescue of Ethiopian Jews from famine and political repression represented the culmination of complex political maneuvering in Israel and illustrated what Israeli resolve can accomplish when Jewish lives are endangered. It was an inspiring effort--as William Safire wrote at the time, thousands of black people were being brought to a country not as slaves but as citizens.
On the other hand, there is much to deplore regarding how long it took for Israeli leaders to recognize and act to save this ancient African branch of the Jewish Diaspora known as Falasha (Ethiopian Jews).
Mitchell G. Bard's book, From Tragedy to Triumph, provides a comprehensive look into the political intricacies behind the rescue of Ethiopian Jewry. It's a fascinating exploration of how international politics and humanitarian efforts can intertwine.
The book highlights the significant role politics plays in humanitarian efforts. Bard shows how political will and international relations were key in the successful rescue of Ethiopian Jews. It's a great read if you're interested in seeing how politics can directly impact lives.
Bard's research into the history of Ethiopian Jews is thorough and enlightening. He provides a detailed account of their struggles and the eventual triumph of their rescue. It's a must-read if you're looking to dig deeper into this lesser-known chapter of Jewish history.
From Tragedy to Triumph showcases the power of diplomacy and negotiation. Bard illustrates how these tools were effectively used to navigate the complex political landscape and secure the rescue of Ethiopian Jews. It's a compelling look into the art of negotiation in high-stakes situations.
The book is not just a historical account, but also a lesson in perseverance and hope. Despite the numerous challenges faced, the Ethiopian Jews never gave up hope. Bard's account of their journey is a testament to the human spirit's resilience. It's a story that will inspire you to never give up, no matter the odds.