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Financial Shenanigans

336 pages, 2018

This book uses a straightforward approach to reveal deceptive practices used by some in corporate finance. It will help you identify early warning signs of a company's problems. It contains new data and research to help you make informed decisions about your investments.
Understanding Financial Shenanigans

Yoni Engelhart's book, Financial Shenanigans, is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the tricks companies use to manipulate their financial statements. It's a deep dive into the world of corporate finance that will leave you with a better understanding of how businesses operate.

Identifying Red Flags

Engelhart's book is a great resource for learning how to spot red flags in financial statements. He provides detailed examples and case studies that will help you identify potential issues before they become major problems. So, if you're interested in investing or running a business, this book is a must-read.

Preventing Financial Fraud

Financial Shenanigans is not just about identifying problems, it's also about preventing them. Engelhart provides practical advice on how to prevent financial fraud in your own business. He shows you what to look for and how to stay vigilant, making this book a valuable resource for business owners and managers.

Learning from Real-World Examples

One of the best parts of Financial Shenanigans is the real-world examples Engelhart uses to illustrate his points. These case studies make the book engaging and easy to understand, even if you're not a finance expert. You'll get to see how real companies have manipulated their financial statements and learn from their mistakes.

Improving Your Financial Literacy

Reading Financial Shenanigans will definitely improve your financial literacy. Engelhart breaks down complex financial concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about finance. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this book will help you make more informed financial decisions.


Anu Hariharan

Anu Hariharan

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalist

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