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Fates and Furies

400 pages, 2016



1382 books
The Marriage of Opposites is a novel about marriage, art, madness and ambition and the struggle for respectability. Lauren Groff presents the story of one marriage over the course of twenty-four years, focusing on two young people who are at once glamorous and madly in love. A decade later their marriage is still envied by all their friends, but we come to see how complicated their situation is.
The Complexity of Marriage

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff explores the intricacies of marriage. It shows that a marriage is not just about two people, but also about their pasts, secrets, and individual perspectives. It's a reminder that understanding and communication are key in any relationship.

The Power of Perspective

Groff's novel teaches us that perspective matters. The same story can be seen in completely different ways depending on who's telling it. It's a lesson to always try and see things from other people's point of view.

The Importance of Individuality

In Fates and Furies, the characters Lotto and Mathilde are both individuals with their own dreams and ambitions. The book shows that maintaining your individuality is crucial, even in a close relationship. It's a call to never lose sight of who you are.

The Role of Fate and Chance

The book makes you think about the role of fate and chance in our lives. It shows that while we can control some things, others are simply up to fate. It's a reminder to accept the things we can't change and focus on the ones we can.

The Art of Storytelling

Lauren Groff's Fates and Furies is a masterclass in storytelling. It shows how a story can be woven with multiple layers and perspectives, keeping the reader engaged till the end. If you're interested in writing or storytelling, this book is a must-read.

Quotes 5

Fates and Furies is a book that I couldn't put down. It's a masterful exploration of marriage and secrets.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

Lauren Groff's Fates and Furies is a clear-eyed portrait of a complex relationship, told with a precision that is almost surgical.

Richard RussoRichard Russo - Pulitzer-winning Novelist

Fates and Furies is a dazzling novel, full of understanding about the secret workings of a long-term relationship.

Elizabeth GilbertElizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, Love Author

Groff's Fates and Furies is a novel of extraordinary and genuine complexity. The wonder of this book is that almost every revelation is both stunning and convincing.

Ron CharlesRon Charles - Book Critic

Fates and Furies is a stunning novel, with prose that is both dazzling and meticulous. Groff examines the complexities of marriage with a deft hand, and the results are breathtaking.

Karen Joy FowlerKaren Joy Fowler - Science Fiction Writer
Barack ObamaRichard RussoElizabeth GilbertRon CharlesKaren Joy Fowler
