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Expert Political Judgment

344 pages, 2006


In this book, Philip E. Tetlock examines the question of what constitutes good judgment in predicting future events. He first discusses arguments about whether the world is too complex for people to find the tools to understand political phenomena, let alone predict the future. 

Tetlock then evaluates predictions from experts in different fields, comparing them to predictions by well-informed laity or those based on simple extrapolation from current trends. He goes on to analyze which styles of thinking are more successful in forecasting.

The Unpredictability of Political Forecasting

In Expert Political Judgment, Philip E. Tetlock explores the idea that political forecasting is often inaccurate. He found that experts' predictions are no more accurate than a random guess or a dart-throwing chimpanzee. This suggests that we should be cautious when relying on expert predictions in political matters.

The Role of Cognitive Style

Tetlock's research shows that an expert's cognitive style - whether they think like a 'fox' or a 'hedgehog' - can impact their forecasting accuracy. Foxes, who draw on a wide range of experiences and self-criticize, tend to make better predictions than hedgehogs, who focus on one big idea. This encourages us to adopt a more flexible, fox-like thinking style.

The Importance of Accountability

The book also highlights the importance of holding experts accountable for their predictions. Tetlock found that experts who were held accountable for their forecasts were more cautious and accurate in their predictions. This suggests that accountability can improve the quality of expert judgment.

The Power of Collective Judgment

Tetlock also explores the power of collective judgment. He found that the average prediction of a group of non-experts can often be more accurate than the prediction of a single expert. This suggests that we should consider a range of opinions when making decisions, rather than relying on a single expert.

The Need for Continuous Learning

In Expert Political Judgment, Tetlock emphasizes the need for continuous learning and adaptation in political forecasting. He argues that experts should regularly review and update their predictions based on new information. This encourages us to adopt a growth mindset and to continuously learn and adapt in our own lives.

Quotes 5

Philip Tetlock's Expert Political Judgment is a remarkable study that provides deep insight into the fallibility of human prediction in complex domains.

Daniel KahnemanDaniel Kahneman - Behavioral Economics

Tetlock's Expert Political Judgment is a significant work, shedding light on the limitations of our predictive abilities in politics and beyond.

Nassim Nicholas TalebNassim Nicholas Taleb - Risk Analysis

Expert Political Judgment is a groundbreaking book that challenges our preconceptions about decision-making and the nature of expertise.

Robert JervisRobert Jervis - Political Science

Tetlock's Expert Political Judgment is a profound exploration of human judgment and its role in political decisions.

Thomas SchellingThomas Schelling - Game Theory

Expert Political Judgment is a compelling examination of the complexities of political forecasting and the biases that experts bring to the task.

Francis FukuyamaFrancis Fukuyama - Political Philosophy
Daniel KahnemanNassim Nicholas TalebRobert JervisThomas SchellingFrancis Fukuyama


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