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288 pages, 2008

The desire for financial gain is a difficult issue to come to terms with. After learning about the many issues of such a desire, professional and business leader John C. Bogle has encouraged others to realize the importance of enough in order to achieve true wealth. His book, Enough, is based on the hundreds of speeches he has previously given and explores the meaning of enough using both a real world and fictional point of view.
The Importance of Character

John C. Bogle emphasizes the importance of character in business and personal life. He believes that integrity, honesty, and fairness should be the guiding principles in every decision we make. So, take a look at your own values and see if they align with these principles.

The Dangers of Consumerism

Bogle warns about the dangers of excessive consumerism. He suggests that we should focus more on what we need rather than what we want. This book encourages you to reevaluate your spending habits and find a balance between consumption and saving.

The Power of Simplicity

In 'Enough', Bogle explores the power of simplicity. He argues that in finance, simple investment strategies often outperform complex ones. So, if you're looking to invest, check out simple, low-cost index funds as a starting point.

The Role of Money in Life

Bogle makes it clear that money is not the end-all and be-all of life. He encourages readers to find fulfillment in things that money can't buy, like relationships and personal growth. So, take some time to research what truly makes you happy.

The Need for Financial Education

He stresses the need for financial education. Bogle believes that understanding the basics of finance can help people make better decisions and avoid financial pitfalls. So, if you're not financially savvy, it might be time to dig into some educational resources.

Quotes 5

John Bogle's book Enough is a powerful reminder of the importance of focusing on what truly matters in life and in business.

Warren BuffetWarren Buffet - Investment Guru

John Bogle's Enough provides a compelling argument for rethinking our approach to wealth and success.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

John Bogle's Enough is a thought-provoking exploration of our society's obsession with wealth.

Paul VolckerPaul Volcker - Former Fed Chairman

John Bogle's Enough is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the true value of wealth.

Charlie MungerCharlie Munger - Berkshire Hathaway Vice-Chairman

John Bogle's Enough is a powerful critique of our society's unhealthy obsession with wealth accumulation.

Peter LynchPeter Lynch - Legendary Investor
Warren BuffetBill GatesPaul VolckerCharlie MungerPeter Lynch


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