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Einstein's Mistakes

418 pages, 2009

Although Albert Einstein was the greatest genius of the twentieth century, his path to scientific genius was blighted by mistakes—some serious falsehoods about physics and math. For instance, in 1905, Einstein was so sure the formula E = mc2 that he made a bet over it. (He lost!) In this provocative book, Hans C. Ohanian deconstructs the man's mistakes and places them in his own life's context. (It gives you something to think about. )
Einstein's Human Side

In Einstein's Mistakes, Hans C. Ohanian shows us that even geniuses like Einstein are human and make mistakes. This book gives us a chance to see Einstein's human side, which can be comforting and inspiring for those of us who are not geniuses.

The Importance of Persistence

Einstein's Mistakes teaches us the importance of persistence. Despite his mistakes, Einstein never gave up. He kept working on his theories, even when they were wrong. This book encourages us to keep going, even when things get tough.

The Value of Mistakes

Hans C. Ohanian's book shows us that mistakes are not always bad. In fact, they can lead to great discoveries. Einstein's mistakes helped him to refine his theories and make them better. So, next time you make a mistake, don't be too hard on yourself. It might lead you to something great.

The Power of Curiosity

Einstein's Mistakes is a testament to the power of curiosity. Einstein was always asking questions and trying to understand the world around him. This book encourages us to do the same. So, let's start asking more questions and exploring the world around us.

The Complexity of Einstein's Theories

This book gives us a glimpse into the complexity of Einstein's theories. It's not easy to understand them, but Hans C. Ohanian does a great job of explaining them in a way that's accessible to everyone. So, if you've ever wanted to understand Einstein's theories, this book is a great place to start.


Quotes 5

Ohanian's book is a refreshing perspective on Einstein's life and work, revealing his human side and his scientific errors.

Freeman DysonFreeman Dyson - Theoretical Physicist

Einstein's Mistakes provides a fascinating insight into Einstein's genius, as well as his human side. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the history of science.

Brian GreeneBrian Greene - String Theory Pioneer

Ohanian's book is a brilliant exploration of Einstein's scientific errors and their impact on his life and work.

Kip ThorneKip Thorne - Nobel Laureate Physicist

Einstein's Mistakes is a fascinating journey through Einstein's scientific achievements and failures, revealing a side of the genius that is rarely seen.

Lisa RandallLisa Randall - Particle Physicist

Ohanian's book is a compelling exploration of Einstein's scientific journey, revealing his mistakes and their impact on his groundbreaking work.

Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson - Astrophysicist, Author
Freeman DysonBrian GreeneKip ThorneLisa RandallNeil deGrasse Tyson


authorRay Dalio, entrepreneur and investor and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Ray Dalio

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