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Do Less

264 pages, 2019



909 books
business & management

business & management

1082 books

So many books geared at ambitious women are all about getting more done, but this book embraces the notion that through doing fewer things you can have--and be--more. The addiction to busyness and the obsession with always trying to do more leads women to feel like they're always failing their families, their careers, their spouses, and themselves. 

This book will give women the tools and permission to change the way they approach their lives so they can embrace living in tune with the cyclical nature of the feminine.

Embrace the Power of Doing Less

Kate Northrup's book, Do Less, encourages us to explore the idea of achieving more by doing less. She suggests that we can be more productive and fulfilled by reducing our workload and focusing on what truly matters.

The Importance of Self-Care

Northrup emphasizes the importance of self-care. She believes that taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health is crucial for productivity. So, take a look at your self-care routine and see if there's room for improvement.

Time Management and Productivity

Do Less is not just about reducing workload, it's also about managing time effectively. Northrup provides practical tips and strategies to help you manage your time better and increase your productivity.

The Power of Saying No

One of the key takeaways from Do Less is the power of saying no. Northrup encourages us to set boundaries and say no to tasks and commitments that don't serve our goals or well-being.

Focus on Quality, Not Quantity

In Do Less, the author reminds us that it's not about how much we do, but the quality of what we do. She encourages us to focus on tasks that bring the most value and joy, and let go of the rest.

Quotes 5

Kate Northrup brilliantly encourages us to redefine success and productivity by focusing on the things that truly matter.

Danielle LaPorteDanielle LaPorte - Inspirational Speaker

Do Less is a revolutionary approach to time and energy management. It's a must read for anyone who feels overwhelmed.

Gabrielle BernsteinGabrielle Bernstein - Motivational Author

Kate Northrup's book is a game-changer for anyone seeking to live a more fulfilling and stress-free life.

Marie ForleoMarie Forleo - Business Coach

Do Less is a life-changing guide for overworked and overwhelmed women. It's a must-read.

Dr. Christiane NorthrupDr. Christiane Northrup - Women's Health Expert

Kate Northrup's Do Less is a revolutionary take on time management. It's a must-read for anyone feeling overwhelmed and overworked.

Jessica OrtnerJessica Ortner - Wellness Advocate
Danielle LaPorteGabrielle BernsteinMarie ForleoDr. Christiane NorthrupJessica Ortner


authorMarie Forleo

Marie Forleo

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