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Dinosaur Training Secrets: Volume I

145 pages, 2015

health & fitness

health & fitness

316 books

For nearly 20 years, I have been writing about strength training and physical culture, the Iron Game and its heroes, diet, nutrition, and mental aspects of strength training. 

I have written more than 20 books and created over a dozen instructional DVDs, thousands of blog posts, and articles on strength training, muscle building, weightlifting, and Iron Game history; edited 100 issues of The Dinosaur Files magazine; hundreds of podcast interviews and answered thousands of training questions from readers around the world. 

Again, by conservative estimate: a million words or more in my long career as an Iron Game historian.

Importance of Old School Training

Brooks D. Kubik emphasizes the effectiveness of old school training methods. He suggests that these traditional techniques, often overlooked in modern fitness regimes, can lead to significant strength and muscle gains. So, if you're looking to boost your fitness, it might be worth exploring these tried and tested methods.

Focus on Strength

In Dinosaur Training Secrets: Volume I, the author stresses the importance of focusing on strength rather than aesthetics. He believes that by prioritizing strength, the aesthetics will naturally follow. So, if you're tired of not seeing results, it might be time to shift your focus and see what happens.

Value of Hard Work

Brooks D. Kubik doesn't sugarcoat the effort required to achieve fitness goals. He emphasizes that there are no shortcuts to success, and that hard work and dedication are key. If you're ready to put in the work, this book could provide the motivation you need.

Power of Consistency

The author highlights the importance of consistency in training. He suggests that regular, consistent workouts are more effective than sporadic, high-intensity sessions. So, if you're struggling to see progress, it might be worth checking your consistency.

Mindset Matters

In Dinosaur Training Secrets: Volume I, Brooks D. Kubik explores the role of mindset in achieving fitness goals. He believes that a positive, determined mindset can be the difference between success and failure. So, if you're looking to boost your fitness, it might be time to take a look at your mindset.


Charles Poliquin

Charles Poliquin


Dinosaur Training Secrets: Volume I found in libraries

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