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Design As Art

224 pages, 2019

The Greatest Designers in History , a lively and accessible survey of the revolutionary contribution great artists have made to the world. This lavishly illustrated book highlights, for example, how the public is once again connected to art through the works of Bruno Munari, who re-established the long-lost contact between art and the public.
Design is Everywhere

In Design As Art, Bruno Munari shows us that design is not just limited to art or architecture, but it's everywhere. From the clothes we wear to the tools we use, everything is a product of design. So, next time you pick up a spoon or a pen, take a moment to appreciate the design behind it.

Design is Communication

Munari emphasizes that design is a form of communication. It's not just about creating something beautiful, but also about conveying a message or an idea. So, when you look at a design, try to understand what it's trying to tell you.

The Importance of Simplicity

One of the key lessons from Design As Art is the importance of simplicity in design. Munari argues that a good design is one that is simple, functional, and easy to understand. So, if you're a designer, don't overcomplicate things. Keep it simple and let your design speak for itself.

Design is Problem Solving

According to Munari, design is all about problem-solving. It's about finding creative solutions to everyday problems. So, if you're stuck in a rut, try to think like a designer. Look at the problem from different angles and come up with innovative solutions.

The Role of the Designer

In the book, he also explores the role of the designer in society. Designers are not just creators, but also researchers, innovators, and even social activists. They have the power to shape the world around us and make it a better place. So, if you're a designer, remember that your work can have a big impact on the world.


Quotes 5

Munari's Design As Art is a timeless masterpiece that continues to inspire designers and artists around the world.

Steven HellerSteven Heller - Graphic Design Critic

Design As Art is a profound exploration of design's role in our lives, a must-read for anyone interested in the subject.

Paola AntonelliPaola Antonelli - Senior Curator, MoMA

Bruno Munari's Design As Art is a seminal work that has shaped my understanding of design.

Michael BierutMichael Bierut - Graphic Designer

Design As Art is a classic that has influenced generations of designers. It's a book that never loses its relevance.

Ellen LuptonEllen Lupton - Design Educator

Munari's Design As Art is a book that has deeply influenced my approach to design. It's a must-read for all designers.

John MaedaJohn Maeda - Technologist, Designer
Steven HellerPaola AntonelliMichael BierutEllen LuptonJohn Maeda


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