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Das Kapital

200 pages, 2011


The book, Capital: Critique of Political Economy, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is one of the most influential works in history. It is an incisive critique of private property and the social relations it creates. Living in exile in England, where this work was written, Marx drew on a wide-ranging knowledge of its society to support his analysis and generate fresh insights. 

Arguing that capitalism would create an ever-increasing division in wealth and welfare, he predicted its abolition and replacement by a system with common ownership of the means of production. Capital rapidly acquired readership among the leaders of social democratic parties, particularly in Russia and Germany, and ultimately throughout the world, to become a work described by Marx's friend and collaborator Friedrich Engels as "the Bible of the Working Class. "

Understanding the Labor Theory of Value

In Das Kapital, Karl Marx introduces the labor theory of value. He argues that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor time invested in its production. This concept is a cornerstone of Marx's critique of capitalism. So, if you're interested in economics, you should definitely check this out.

The Exploitation of Workers

Marx explores the exploitation of workers under capitalism. He believes that workers are not paid the full value of their labor, with the surplus value being taken by the capitalist as profit. This is a key point to understand if you're looking into the dynamics of class struggle.

The Inevitability of Capitalist Crises

Das Kapital also delves into the inherent instability of capitalism. Marx argues that capitalism's tendency towards overproduction leads to economic crises. If you're curious about the cyclical nature of economic downturns, you'll find Marx's analysis intriguing.

The Role of Money

Marx also takes a deep look into the role of money in a capitalist society. He sees money as a means of exchange that obscures the social relationships involved in production. This is a fascinating perspective to explore if you're interested in the social implications of economic systems.

The Historical Materialism

In Das Kapital, Marx presents his theory of historical materialism. He argues that the economic base of a society - the way people produce and exchange goods and services - shapes its political and ideological superstructure. This is a must-read for anyone interested in the interplay between economics and politics.

Quotes 5

Marx's magnum opus, Das Kapital, is not just a work of economics, but a profound critique of society's exploitative nature.

Friedrich EngelsFriedrich Engels - Social Scientist

No one can fully comprehend the modern proletariat movement without the profound insights provided by Marx in Das Kapital.

Vladimir LeninVladimir Lenin - Revolutionary Politician

Das Kapital is a book that, once read, will forever change your understanding of capitalism.

George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw - Playwright, Critic

Das Kapital is a revolutionary work that exposes the inherent contradictions and injustices of capitalism.

Rosa LuxemburgRosa Luxemburg - Marxist Theorist

Das Kapital is a monumental work that provides a comprehensive understanding of the capitalist system.

Ernest MandelErnest Mandel - Marxist Economist
Friedrich EngelsVladimir LeninGeorge Bernard ShawRosa LuxemburgErnest Mandel


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