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Cultural Amnesia

912 pages, 2008


In Cultural Amnesia, Clive James―the encyclopedic A-Z masterpiece―is the perfect introduction to the very core of Western humanism. Soaring to Montaigne-like heights, Cultural Amnesia is precisely the book to burnish these memories of a Western civilization that James fears is nearly lost. 

It's an international bestseller that's been translated into many languages, and it's also a perfect book for anyone who's interested in history.

Understanding the Importance of Cultural Memory

In Cultural Amnesia, Clive James emphasizes the importance of remembering and understanding our cultural history. He believes that forgetting our past can lead to the repetition of mistakes. So, take a look at this book to explore the lessons we can learn from history.

Insight into Influential Figures

James provides an in-depth look into the lives of more than 100 influential figures from the 20th century. From artists to politicians, he explores their impact on society and culture. Check out this book to find out more about these fascinating individuals.

The Role of Art and Literature in Society

Cultural Amnesia digs into the role of art and literature in shaping society. James argues that these cultural elements are not just for entertainment but also serve as a mirror to our society. If you're interested in the intersection of culture and society, this book is a must-read.

The Danger of Ideologies

James warns about the dangers of ideologies, particularly those that suppress individual freedom and creativity. He believes that such ideologies can lead to cultural amnesia. This book will make you think twice about the ideologies you subscribe to.

The Power of Critical Thinking

In his book, James encourages critical thinking. He believes that it's crucial for understanding and interpreting our cultural history. So, if you're looking to sharpen your critical thinking skills, Cultural Amnesia is a great place to start.

Quotes 5

Cultural Amnesia is a treasure trove of the twentieth century's great thinkers and artists. Clive James has brilliantly encapsulated their lives and works in this monumental book.

Christopher HitchensChristopher Hitchens - Author, Journalist

Cultural Amnesia is a masterful work, a symphony of thought. It is a testament to Clive James' intellectual prowess and his ability to weave together the threads of history and culture.

Julian BarnesJulian Barnes - Novelist, Critic

Clive James' Cultural Amnesia is a monumental achievement. It is a book that challenges, enlightens, and inspires.

Ian McEwanIan McEwan - Novelist, Screenwriter

Cultural Amnesia is a tour de force. Clive James has created a work of staggering breadth and insight.

Martin AmisMartin Amis - Novelist, Essayist

Cultural Amnesia is a work of immense scholarship and understanding. Clive James has given us a book that is both enlightening and entertaining.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - Novelist, Essayist
Christopher HitchensJulian BarnesIan McEwanMartin AmisSalman Rushdie


Frank Blake, entrepreneur, Recommending BestBooks

Frank Blake


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